Gotta Light - The problem with Ego death in the Psychonautes/druggies world
"I'm dissolving my ego with 2c-b so believe me when I say that I know the Truth, oh and Imperialism isn't colonialism right I'm here for peace" Ahahha "I'm not a fascist I'm an utilitarian citizen taking LSD for productivism in the Silicone Valley of my actually-not-so-death-ego-imperialistic-EAGLE" The biggest paradoxal issue with ego death -> dumb ego inflation Also (From the amazing and never been more accurate season 3 of Twin Peaks) A lot of folks around are like that, either in the Proletarian Jungle asking for Fire or in their Tesla Car freackin' for their Electricity Endless tribes fighting between blind egos, proletaria goes brrr And classist oppression is an excuse for control over Energy and working/living/sexual potentials of individuals I mean same as with war in général, and colonialism/imperialism Racism is a way to deshumanize people to justify colonialism to control Energy/Bodies Then the Histo...