Current thinking about the RCs world

Yeah, Reddit's interesting, but it's a mess too, you end up cross-referencing data ad infinitum precisely because this carefree curiosity/empiricism side of things is everywhere, and I think it requires a grounding in pharmacology to navigate on sight.
For me, where it's really happening at this level is mainly in underground and more niche groups. For a while, the popular platform for this was discord, then telegram, and now that a lot of telegram groups are starting to strike, it's tending to spread to other platforms.
Still, there are a lot of very interesting new molecules coming out all the time, and it's mind-boggling to see all the transformation potential that's being unleashed all the time.
But yeah, this ban / release of new molecules with more or less similar effects (but they all have their own particularities) is both the strength and the curse of the RCs world, as users don't really have the time to select what they want to keep for the long term.
There are a few people working in this direction, trying to bring in small batches that are inaccessible to ordinary users, against purely financial interests, but unfortunately this is still a very marginal thing at the moment (as things stand, manufacturers able to bring large batches of substances onto the market have absolutely no interest in braving the grey zone to venture onto the black market, even if there is sometimes a real demand, it would be too shitty for them).
In my opinion, the practice of RCs is very much rooted in the work of Alexander Shulgin, whom I consider to be a kind of alchemist in love, with his Thikal & Phikal (a legacy that Nervewing, for example, is trying to bring to life with dissociatives, and other shadow chemists too, there's a mini Shulgin making interesting phenethylamines & lysergamines at the moment etc.), but also very strongly, because no choice, in something on the order of liberal capitalism


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