Narcissistic Narcosis & The pattern of Addiction

Here is the English translation of the text in the image :

Pre-Contemplation Stage
At this stage, the patient denies the presence of a problem. They do not wish to change and do not see the benefit of an intervention in their lifestyle.

Contemplation Stage
At this stage, the patient recognizes the presence of a problem, perceives the possibility of change in the medium term (6 months), but remains ambivalent and hesitant, hoping that things may resolve on their own without taking action.

Preparation Stage
At this stage, the patient shows a genuine willingness to change since they have noticed the impact of the problem and want to make a change. The change is planned in the short term (1 month).

Action Stage
At this stage, there is adherence to the change program. The patient actively applies the identified solutions and perceives the benefits of their actions.

Maintenance Stage
This stage allows the patient to maintain their progress and prevent potential relapses.

Relapse is possible and is part of the normal process of change. It is perceived as necessary time to the final success of the process.

Permanent Exit
This stage marks the ultimate success of the process, in which the person consolidates the maintenance stage.

Narcissistic Narcosis is a concept posited by Yann Minh (artist and lecturer on the history of cyberpunk, from prehistory to the stars) following his reading of Marshall McLhuan and his book Understanding Media ("The medium is the message").
In it, McLuhan develops the idea of the tool as an extension of the body's biological functions, the nervous system.
The car being an extension of the running function, the camera an extension of memory, the hammer an extension of the hiting function, and so on...

Narcissistic Narcosis is that period when we ask ourselves, unconsciously or not, "Who/what am I with x tool ?"
Fortunately, for a hammer in most cases, it passes fairly quickly : you tap, you tap, you play...
In a kind of trance until you get to the end of the thing.
For the car, it's those people who spend hours driving at night with the radio on

But way way more complex is "Who am I with an internet-connected computer ?" "In dialectic with a pseudo-omniscient AI ?" "Ingesting a combo of psychedelic substances ?"

(The other side of the coin I liked way too much with addiction is how it turns us into some autistic monkey scientists (paraphernalia goes brrrr))


So what I'm saying is that there's a common thread here.

Drugs are largely an exploratory journey

Not so much in terms of a whole host of substances and their pharmacology, but in terms of what happens inside you when they enter your body.

And the concept of Narcissistic Narcosis is precisely what makes this exploratory part possible, with a relationship to "objects" that are not generally categorized as having the addictive potential of drugs.

It helps to put things into perspective, to discern what comes from oneself and what comes from the purely addictive profile of a substance.

For me, this is fundamental to becoming a player in my relationship with substances.

Just found an english version of the schematic

Everything is Drug & drugs are Tools

"- So you are presenting the drugs as a tool for self-exploration of sorts?"
Nah it would be like if I was telling that a hammer is a tool to build a house with wood & screws, but no it's up to you to use the hammer for whatever it can do, it has its limitations & potentialities
So I'm talking about a Tools as a conceptual level, tools aren't neutral but you have to "make use of" them just like harm reduction's (The fuckin' basics rules of Harm Reduction : Talk about your own expériences, no apology, no diabolization) final purpose imo is a way to guide users to a self disciplines "making use of" Substances

Like Alexander Shulgin said, Just say Know, ?

Naah, not enough

Neither Infinite Nor Unlimited
Ni Dieu Ni Maître

What you also need to know in my conception of the thing is that the unlimited which is the "bad infinite" at the pharmacological level is the compulsive dopamine loop.

Oh and something you have to keep in mind all the time, when doing harm reduction, and repeat to others again & again : You CAN'T save someone who do not want to be saved
It is HIGHLY counterproductive

Neither Nor

The Garden of Delights by Hieronymus Bosh


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