A modular synthetizer approach of the chamanic problem for an occidental brain

(This is a weird approach, I know, my thinking is that with our occidental background we are simply unable to understand tribale chamanism at a symbolistic & theorical level, the spirit of the snake or tiger means absolutly nothing for us as we are not living in the jungle since generations/fuckin' tens of thousands years
Around 16 years ago some people from the french psychedelics scene tried to build a system to take powerful psychedelics like ayahuasca or iboga at a higher level by using occidental theology & Deleuze, Spinoza & co's concepts (of course I do not like new age nor the scientism (some people can't take drugs without making a cult and sorry McKenna but this is nothing more than a problem in my eyes)))

My recent kink on gravastar and this vacuum condensation thing gives me a hunch about the imaginal technician job of shamans.


Modulating the void
Something that's literally akin to modular synthesizers (which are becoming so popular these days), which I approached and learned so quickly thanks to the micellar or rhyzomic nootropic thinking of iboga, because that's what I do in my artistic approach, analog/organic & digital friction, creative feedback through semi-controlled randomness, Sample & Hold etc., which take a white noise generator (the empty box, "every finished systems contains an undefined proposition") and turn it into a source of modulations or sequences, which can reach the audio-range if you increase the frequency sufficiently (and damn near everything is frequency at every level in our reality, even in drugchecking we solve the structure of such and such a molecule via its oscillatory frequency and the result is given to us by a mass spectrometer) because yeah, in the modular synth, everything that passes through the modules in that mess of little jack cables (known as Control Voltage) is the same thing, whether it's frequencies/pitches/timbers or modulation sources, it's all interchangeable, just make music with an electrical signal.
I'm sticking this to John-Lilly's theory of human meta-programs, and all that's left to do is learn electronic circuits to build meta-modules in the Kairos 🥲


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