Mashup of stuff I wrote more or less about DiPT
Dipt seems so interesting
I have good knowledge in sound synthesis so it's very fun to analyse and live the experience with this grid
I can almost visualise an EQ showing how Dipt impact our natural accoustic impedance, this is fun ahah
Had a first experience earlier in one of my crazy combo with 4-ho-mipt + Dipt + 3-me-pcp + 3-meo-pce+ iboga
And now just 3-fl-pcp + Dipt :')
With mics, modular synthesis and headphones I could probably make a simulation of how it sounds like to me
Phase shifting, boost in bass, distortion with lpf, a peak around 6k, shepard tone, chorus
A thing I find fascinating about DiPT, with a big enough dose to have residual effects the next day, is that it makes you partialy deaf (doing an auditory test shows it, we are losing high frequencies like we would do by aging) then slowly you get back your full audition
For me it connects with the theory about psychedelics being a way to learn to die (and by this to learn how to live better)
Psychedelics can be a fun recreational stuff for sure but I'm also attracted by the darker side ahah
And I mean ayahuasca can be some sort of death simulation
And ayahuasca is the "liana of the deaths" and bwiti (the tradition using iboga the most currently) is like with ayahuasca a cult of the ancestors
I tend to believe more people using psychedelics at a society/tribale level since thousands years than us ahah
On a more occidental note, maybe in the end we truely are electrical beings and substances are frequency modulators
Now what I want to do is some Accoustic Ayahuasca, by using Caapi with DiPT
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